Entertainment In Production


In Entertainment In Production, Rob Halliday takes you behind the scenes of the making of some of the biggest shows of the last fifteen years.

Discover the people, the technology and the process of putting together shows in London, New York, Las Vegas and elsewhere - on productions such as Cirque du Soleil’s O and KA, musicals like Miss Saigon, Aida and Mary Poppins, political conventions, building lighting, museums and much, much more....

And now you can e-read the books: e-editions now available through Amazon’s Kindle Store, readable on Kindle, iPad and other devices supporting Kindle software.


See How

Shows are Made...

Rob writes about lighting as a lover! His words take you with him to the production desk...
           - Richard Pilbrow

Rob Halliday manages to provide something for everyone... These books provide a record of those who were at the cutting edge of theatre design and technology during a decade which saw much change - and a glimpse of the process of putting on a show

   - ABTT Sightline magazine

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